
Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Be Sure to Check Out My Previous Post: Stillwater Station.

Welcome to Kansas
Before starting to travel, we were all told that Priceline would be our best friend. And for the most
part, they weren't lying. When I booked my hotels I did so in 1 of 3 ways.

1. Marriott- For weekend rates, these are killer. In almost any city you can get a room on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday for about $69 a night at one of their business level properties.

2. Express Deals- They tell you the area, a few amenities and the star level of a hotel for a discounted price and you book without knowing the name. For most areas you are able to look at the list of hotels and figure out which one the express deal is going to get you.

3. Name Your Own Price- This can get you some awesome deals if you work the system right. I've been lucky enough to get some $300 per night rooms for about $50.

If you want some tips on Priceline bidding or express deals, let me know I've gotten pretty good at it!

Hyatt in Wichita
Well when I looked ahead to book in Wichita, I decided to book in the city using Name Your Own
View from my room
Price. I ended up scoring a Hyatt Regency (3.5 stars) for $50! This hotel was awesome. Any I ended up picking a great time to visit Wichita, as they were having their annual  RiverFest, which took place right outside the hotel. There were Zip Lines, helicopter rides, carnival rides and fair food! It was pretty awesome.

When i'm alone I can double dip!
One of the hardest parts of being on the road alone... is well... being alone. If you have never gone to dinner by yourself, or even more-so, gone to the movies by yourself, it is quite an interesting experience. While in Wichita I went and saw 2 movies: The Great Gatsby and The Hangover Part 3. Wichita is fortunate to have some very nice movie theaters, large screens, plenty of seats and beautiful digital projection. Now The Great Gatsby I had been looking forwards to seeing for quite a long time, and if you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it. Oddly enough as I write this post, now months later, it has just come on video and I hope to purchase it later this week.

While in the theater for Gatsby, I had most of a row to myself, and the theater was maybe 20 percent full. Just before the previews started, an older couple came in and sat right next to me. They had the choice of almost any seats in the theater, by they chose the ones right next to mine (they didn't even leave a 1 chair gap!). There wasn't even a greeting from them, almost as if they didn't recognize me sitting there. Well I almost let it fly, until they talked all the way through the previews and into the first 2 minutes of the movie. I finally moved, but seriously how rude!
Meal in my seat in the theater!
When I went to see the Hangover, I chose a different theater. This one was one of the theaters where they serve you your meal in your seats! It was pretty awesome. The food was pretty good, reasonably priced, and they even served reasonably priced alcohol! The experience was awesome, and was not disruptive at all. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend it!

So overall, I loved my short time in Wichita, and hope to return on another trip.

Be sure to check out more photos in the #LyfInFocus-Wichita Album!

Next its Off to Kansas City, where I will break it down into 2 parts for you.

Be Sure to Check Out my Next Post: Kansas City-Part 1 "Welcome to KC!"

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