
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

San Antonio

Be Sure to Check out My Previous Post:Training/Touring Florida!

So on May 25th, and a 5:30AM call time for the shuttle, we (myself and a few of the other auditors) were off to the Ft. Lauderdale airport for our flight to San Antonio. At this point we had a few more pieces of luggage to tow around with us.
Tram Surfing

Now today's flight was from Ft. Lauderdale to San Antonio, with a connection in Dallas/Ft. Worth. Nothing to long and crazy, however in training we were told the theme for the summer was to "be flexible and ready for change". Little did we know how soon this would all start to come into play.

Upon landing in Dallas, we found our next flight to be cancelled due to intense flooding in San Antonio. It was enough to close roads and halt airport operations. So what was supposed to be a 1.5 hour connection, turned into 7 hours of running from gate to gate trying to make a new flight. Some people would get upset by this... especially when some of us had our first audits planned for this day. But no matter, we had a blast anyways.Pictured here you can see the competition that we called "tram surfing". The goal was to ride the tram as if you were surfing without holding on all the way to the next stop! It was actually a lot of fun and filled about 45 minutes of time for us.

Bill Miller BBQ
By that evening we made it into San Antonio and were able to pick up our rental cars and head to the hotel. We all ended up splitting 2 rooms and hung out at the hotel pool to relax before our next day of auditing. Next to the hotel, we got our first taste of Texas Bar-B-Que. OK, I guess Bill Miller isn't really the best BBQ experience, but it was actually pretty good for fast food BBQ, and cheap!

San Antonio River Walk
The Alamo
After a day of auditing, we all then decided to spend the day downtown touring the city a bit before we all had to say our farewells for the summer. Our main two stops were the Alamo, and the San Antonio River walk.

The Alamo was actually pretty cool! A great landmark of Texas history, and truly something we couldn't miss... plus it was free! The building was quite beautiful and was well maintained. There are no photos of the inside as it is not allowed.

The River walk was cool, but honestly really gross. The water was a murky brown, and I'm pretty sure if you swam in it you would mutate into some type of river monster.

Schlitterbahn, New Braunfels
That night, we had to take a trip out to New Braunfels to pick up some summer equipment. And as a true water park enthusiast I couldn't pass up a quick stop at Mecca... hem hem.... Schlitterbahn. So I didn't get to go inside as they were closed, but I got to peek over the fence and get some cool photos! It was definitely worth the stop.

For All The Photos, Check out the #LyfInFocus-San Antonio Album!

Stay Tuned for the Next Post: Bucky the Beaver!

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